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Saturday, October 8, 2022

Delfie's Barn

 The Centre where we spend our time is historically known as a place of magic, of the old nature religion, of caves and secret grottos, and high up at 2000 metres, the cave of the mythical Sibilla.

It's within the Sibillini National Park, a large area which encompasses an entire string of mountains and one which is dedicated to a successful programme of re-wilding, having already reintroduced wolves and bears who in turn, by their active presence are restoring its original balance of nature.

Our Art Group consists of both a local group, a mixture of Italians and British, and a more International group who visit here two or three times annually to work together and simply to be together to share their art experiences, in painting, poetry and adventure around this magnificent playground of nature, with it's mountains, lakes and sacred places.

Earlier this week, some of us from the local group got together, ostensibly to paint and show each other our art work but mysteriously it became a day of simply relaxing and enjoying each others company and discovering that Defie's barn could be changed into a magnificent studio. And we started doing so, getting as far as throwing masses of junk away and watching as its intrinsic beauty unfold

Read what she says about what we got up to and how it enriched our day...........

She writes;

What is creativity? We often fear this word. We feel it's bigger than us, a little mysterious and we believe that you have to be painters to be creative! This is actually what happened today, planning the day making art together and instead we created a cozy environment in a garage, ate together, discovered marginal places in the surrounding nature and new ideas came and so, without "thinking"! Creativity is not just about painting or photographing or creating objects. Creativity is knowing how to flow with what attracts you. Create_activity. Stop thinking and act, something beautiful will surely come your way! 

Delfie, aka. Claudia Renzi

Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Vibrations of Nature

                               painting Michael Eldridge

What is it like to be an artist?

Is being an artist really just a state of mind?

Just to read about such matters is seldom of any practical use, principally because words are no more than additions to the data bank of our minds. Like learning how to drive a car from an instruction booklet. Or how to ski.

And yes, poetry has a beauty of course, but it is not just thereading but also the writing of it which takes us deeper into the realm of creativity and to its wonders

I learnt to ski in the Rockies (or so I imagined). It was a program with a Zen teacher and I felt like a professional afterwards. One of the exercises was to be blinfolded and go down an easy slope putting weight on to first left foot , then right, and continue....Another to go down throwing a ski pole up in the air and catch it. I was great at that. 

A few months later, I was in Italy and some friends asked me if I would like to go skiing in Switzerland. Could I ski? You bet I said. The resort was high up in the Dolomites and the temperature that weekend was minus 14C. Ice. And deisel frozen in tank already

OK on the black slope? Of course!

 I soon found that my Zen sessions had not included ice, speed, and almost perependicular descents over mounds and hillocks. Consequence? Flying through the air through the sound barrier, my skis crossed. Result, broken ribs and a gashed head, etc. A distant memory. But I do remember walking with skis in my hands two kilometres down the black slope to a mini ski bar, where I sat down to unfreeze with a hot cofee, and to feel the defrosting blood trickle down my face

I lost interest in skiing after that.

But, I guess that experience is one of the reasons I run workshops the way I do

To provide experimental and sensorial experiences in the forests, rivers and mountains, along with like minded people in a spirit of caring and sharing and to produce art; painting, poetry and to start our days slowly with Chi Kung; to absorb ourselves in nature. It is a process which takes time and patience and it is why I run follow ups and webinars with participants once they have attended a workshop, to go deeper, to reinforce. To bond as a group

My next workshop, the Vibrations of Nature is in the spectacular natural environment of the Sibillini mountains of Le Marche Italy, from 26th to 30th of September, 2022. Our venue is Cittadella, a beautiful retreat which lies below the majestic Monte Vettore

There are a only a few places left on this workshop. For further information, please write to Michael at or telephone (whatsapp) +39 3283535358

Thursday, August 4, 2022

compagni d'arte (art buddies)


                                                     Judy Offord

Questa è una piccola mostra a Porto San Giorgio, una città costiera sull'Adriatico. È con i miei amici pittori Claudia Renzi, Judy Offord e Duncan Campbell che espongono qua e là in questa parte delle Marche negli ultimi due anni. È il luogo in cui viviamo e, sebbene mostriamo il nostro lavoro in un'arena più ampia, a livello nazionale e internazionale, questo è un omaggio al luogo in cui viviamo; poiché è qui che siamo attrattiassimilaassimilazionezione  dalla bellezza delle montagne, dei fiumi e dei burroni; inostro continuo assorbimento nei ritmi e nei misteri della natura.

Claudia Renzi

Gli artisti hanno bisogno di amici tanto quanto hanno bisogno della solitudine e dei suoni del silenzio e abbiamo imparato a rispettare questi bisogni e qualità positivi tra di noi..

Duncan Campbell

Ed è questa dinamica che promuovo nei miei workshop sulle montagne della Sibilla qui nelle Marche, in Italia: E continua come una sorta di connettività duratura ben oltre un weekend di workshop con webinar in cui ci mostriamo il nostro lavoro su un regolarmente e condividere anche le cose che non sono così buone nella nostra vita. Le persone creative sono persone emotive ed è meglio che non fingano di avere il controllo, ma invece aderiscano prontamente al meraviglioso detto di Nietzsche che "Bisogna avere il caos in se stessi per dare alla luce una stella danzante"

Michael Eldridge

Siamo come lupi di montagna che preferiscono aggirarsi ai margini della foresta della normalità, piuttosto che essere trascinati nei suoi confini di soffocante comodità e conformità

Questo non vuol dire che non siamo felici, comunque. È solo un altro tipo di felicità, che cambia come i capricci del vento

Il mio prossimo workshop a Cittadella, 'Le Vibrazioni della Natura' è dal 26 al 30 settembre

Esplora l'affinità tra i cinque sensi e il desiderio di creare oltre noi stessi.

Sembra serio, ma in realtà è un divertente giro di condivisione, risate e alleggerimento (almeno per un po') l'oscurità che sappiamo essere spesso fin troppo vicina

Dopotutto, a questo servono gli amici: condividere e prendersi cura.Michael

Ulteriori informazioni sui miei workshop in inglese e italiano, scrivi a Michael Eldridge a tel, whats app +39 3283535358

In italiano, contattare; Claudia, email, whatsapp 351.5042828

Sunday, July 31, 2022



                                (and what it is to be an artist)

                Judy Offord

This is a little exhibition in Porto San Giorgio, a coastal town on the Adriatic It is with my painter friends Claudia Renzi, Judy Offord and Duncan Campbell who have been exhibiting here and there around this part of Le Marche for the past couple of years. It is where we live, and although we show our work in a larger arena, nationally and internationally, this is a homage to where we live; as it is here that we are drawn to the beauty of the mountains and rivers and ravines; our continuing absorption into the rhythms and mysteries of nature.

             Claudia Renzi

Artists need buddies as much as they need solitude and the sounds of silence and we have learned to respect these positive needs and qualities amongst ourselves.

             Duncan Campbell

And it is this dynamic that I foster in my workshops up in the mountains of La Sibilla here in Le Marche, Italy: And it continues as a sort of lasting connectivity way beyond a workshop weekend with  webinars where we show each other our work on a regular basis and share also the things that are not so good in our lives. Creative people are emotional people and it is best that they don't pretend to be in control, but instead adhere readily to Nietzsche 's wonderful saying that 'One must have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star'

                          Michael Eldridge

We are like mountain wolves who prefer to prowl around the edges of the forest of normality, rather then be drawn into its confines of stifling comfort and conformity

That is not to say we are not happy, by the way. It's just another kind of happiness, which changes like the vagaries of the wind

My next workshop at Cittadella, 'T'he Vibrations of Nature' is from September 26th to 30th

It explores the affinity between the five senses and the desire to create beyond ourselves.

That sounds serious, but in reality it's a fun ride of sharing and laughing and lightening (for a while at least) the darkness that we know is often all too near

This is what buddies are for, after all: to share and care.


Further information about my workshops in English and Italian, write to Michael Eldridge at

tel, whats app +39 3283535358

In Italian,  contattare; Claudia, email claudiarenzistudio@gmail.comwhatsapp 351.5042828

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Vibrazione della natura 2, San Altino

 Un  weekend di avventura nella foresta da San Altino di pittura e poesia.

Avevamo iniziato la giornata con una sessione di Ci Kung intorno alla piscina; questo per renderci consapevoli del nostro corpo, per ricordarci di respirare correttamente e aprire i nostri cinque sensi in vista della giornata che ci aspetta.

San Altino dista solo 15 minuti da Cittadella, il nostro rifugio nei Sibillini. E un piccolo paese, e nel centro c'è un bar e ristorante e lì finisce la strada.

Era ancora abbastanza presto, ma l'intero villaggio era stracolmo di macchine e scout (ragazzo/ragazza). Ma mentre camminavamo nella foresta divenne presto chiaro che, a parte qualche escursionista occasionale, eravamo soli e indisturbati

Un mix internazionale di italiani, tedeschi, sudafricani e britannici.

Quattro italiani erano nuovi nel gruppo e si integravano facilmente con gli altri partecipanti che avevano frequentato con me i workshop precedenti. Questa è stata la mia prima sessione in cui abbiamo parlato esclusivamente in italiano e ha funzionato bene. Sembrava proprio in questo locale molto italiano

E così è iniziata la giornata e ci siamo immessi in un sentiero tortuoso che ci ha portato sulle colline per salire per un'ora circa fino a raggiungere una radura dove siamo scesi carichi gli zaini e abbiamo chiacchierato un po' su come l'apertura sensoriale sia legata all'attività creativa

E dopo pranzo, torniamo a Cittadella dove abbiamo trascorso il resto della giornata dipingendo e stampando.

Immergersi nei ritmi della natura, non è solo entrare e assorbire la bellezza di foreste, fiumi e radure, ma è inalare la sua aria carica di sostanza vivificante. E qui, per aprire lentamente tutti i nostri sensi e iniziare il nostro viaggio nell'essenza stessa della creatività; prendere vita e scoprire che abbiamo la capacità di creare oltre noi stessi

Il nostro prossimo workshop Vibrazioni della Natura nei Monti Sibillini sarà dal 20 al 25 settembre, 2022

Further information in English, write to Michael Eldridge at

tel, whats app +39 3283535358

In Italian,  contattare; Claudia, email claudiarenzistudio@gmail.comwhatsapp 351.5042828

Thursday, July 14, 2022

San Altino


                                   The forest of San Altino

It was a weekend of forest adventure and of painting and poetry.

We'd started the day with a Ci Kung session around the pool ; this to make us aware of our bodies, to remember to breathe properly and open our five senses in preparation for the day ahead.

San Altino is only 15 minutes away from Cittadella; (our Sibillini refuge) it's a small village, and in the centre there is a bar and restaurant and just a few house and it is there the road ends.

It was still quite early but the entire village was jam packed with cars and (boy/girl) scouts. But as we walked into the forest it soon became clear that, except for the occasional hiker, we were alone and undisturbed

And so the day began and we joined a winding path with took us over the hills for getting on for an hour or so until we reached a clearing where we off loaded our rucksacks and chatted for a while about how sensorial openness is related to creative activity

An international mix of Italians, German, South African and British.
Four of the Italians were new to the group and easily blended in with the other participants who had attended previous workshops with me. This was my first session where we spoke solely in Italian and it worked out well. It seemed right in this very Italian venue

And after lunch, back to Cittadella where we spent the rest of the day painting and monoprinting.

To immerse oneself in the rythms of nature, is not only to enter and absorb the beauty of forests and rivers and glades, but it is inhale its air which is charged with life enhancing substance. And here, to slowly open all our senses and begin our voyage into the the very essence of creativity; to come alive and to find that we have the capacity to create beyond ourselves

Our next Vibrations of Nature workshop in the Sibillini moutains will be September 20 t0 25

Further information in English, write to Michael Eldridge at

tel, whats app +39 3283535358

In Italian,  contattare; Claudia, email claudiarenzistudio@gmail.comwhatsapp 351.5042828

Saturday, July 2, 2022

The Vibrations of Nature


Lu Vurghe

This short video is from a sensorial day at an ancient hot spring not far from Ascoli Piceno in the Marche region of Italy.It is situated just off La Salaria, the ancient salt road to Rome from the salt flats at what is now San Benedetto. It has been a hot mineral water spa for millennia and was once a favourite with Roman Legions who would stop over to clean up and rest when passing by.

It is a place where I take workshop participants. The bathing area is a sandy beach on the bend of the river Tronto...which flows into rapids below and then on to Ascoli, It is a very special place of visual beauty which simultaneously engages all of our five senses; The touch and smell of the hot mineral water which flows into the river, its taste on our lips and the sight of the drifting river weed, the subtle  difference between the warm soft water and the tingly cold  and the sound of the water flowing and bubbling.; the rushing sounds of the wind through the trees on the surrounding banks above us. We are like our animal friends at this time, and this full alertness is like an open space in our minds and it is here that our imaginings begin to stir and we feel this desire to create beyond ourselves, to make marks, images, sounds and shapes with river clay.

It is a sensorial day

An emptying of the mind

To clear a path for the opening of our rediscovered creativity

When we paint, write poetry and learn the benefits of Ci Kung and Tai Chi in our lives

At Cittadella, our mountain retreat in the Sibillini National Park of Le Marche, Italy

September workshop 'The vibrations of Nature' from 20th to 25th in both English and Italian.

Further information in English, write to Michael Eldridge at

tel, whats app +39 3283535358

In Italian,  contattare; Claudia, email claudiarenzistudio@gmail.comwhatsapp 351.5042828

Monday, June 6, 2022

Likes are shallow responses


This is a recent painting of mine.

It is untitled as all of them are.

This I do because it allows folk to make their own personal voyage.

And the story of such an adventure interests me greatly.

My work gets put up on social media and gets a multitude of likes.

Which to me is a warming flash of emptiness.

But, occasionally, I receive a meaningful comment.

Example; from a poet friend of mine in England. 

She said....

'This really speaks to me'

So, I asked her if she would write a poem about what my painting said to her.

She has in fact written three, and here are two

Elemental Force

Dancing waves of light

Weave a curtain of the elements 

A celestial ballet

Of swirling fragments. 

Earth, air, fire and water

Conspire to delight

And inform

My senses.

Ruth Dunsby


I settle on the glowing light

Sink down through the

Layers, unrestrained by

Rules or intent.

Finding my way

By the process of immersion

I inhabit the image

I taste the vibrance

I am warmed by the light

From where, 

Slowly but inexorably,

My words will flow.

Ruth Dunsby

Interesting that she has named it, and that is OK because it is her voyage now.

And I can go on about how those who have bought my paintings tell me that they change over time and reveal stories which have been hidden in some magical way.

I've decided to add this collaborative word/image game to my September workshop in Italy. It's fun and enlightening too.


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Space Between

A Poem by Ruth Dunsby

We talk about

The ‘space between’

The place from where

Art will flow.

A space, not a place 

Where we can go

But, nonetheless,

We have to find 

Our own way there,


To the stillness

The silence 

Between thoughts

That marks the separation,

A vibration,

The moment at

The start of the journey

That is, at once, 

A divergence from

And the connection to


 Ruth Dunsby

(Painting by Michael Eldridge)


Michael's comment on Ruth's poem

Ruth is writing here about the space we enter when we make art; the realm of creativity.

Michael's workshops are about finding pathways to this space; a place where art becomes inevitable.

To contact Ruth, her email is 

And you can contact Michael at

For Workshop dates this year, please clickr here

Monday, February 28, 2022

Avventura artistica: The Ravine


Continuando le nostre intrepide avventure artistiche attraverso la profonda foresta oscura fino al burrone sommerso di Fiastra

In estate, durante un forte temporale, il burrone sgorgava acqua piovana, schiantandosi nella pianura sottostante e confluendo nel fiume Fiastra.

Siamo stati ricompensati con una calda giornata di sole e la foresta era secca, anzi pericolosamente così per il periodo dell'anno..

È una foresta spettacolare; del tutto unico, in quanto è stato (deliberatamente) lasciato solo dai suoi custodi e protettori; dove gli alberi che muoiono e cadono o che vengono travolti dalle tempeste, vengono lasciati ovunque atterrino e nella morte portano nuova vita e abbondanza alle creature e alla vegetazione di questo luogo incredibile. La loro degenerazione fornisce sostentamento agli insetti, ai microrganismi, ai funghi e ai licheni e crea un ecosistema equilibrato. Qui trovi ogni tipo di albero a foglie caduche e conifere; magnifiche querce, faggi, salici, varietà di pini e di cespuglio e proliferanti sottoboschi.

Passeggiando per la foresta arrivammo in una piccola radura e ci sedemmo in silenzio per un po' ad ascoltare il canto degli uccelli. Dovevano esserci centinaia di uccelli che cantavano e la sinfonia del suono era un incantesimo. Facemmo scorrere le dita sul tappeto di foglie di quercia e scavammo nell'humus nero come la pece; ne annusò l'aroma e toccò il lichene verde brillante che cresceva su un piccolo ceppo di legno in decomposizione. E ci meravigliamo del cielo azzurro che abbraccia i rami che svettano verso l'alto; ogni albero ha un'altezza incredibile e compete con i suoi vicini per il nutrimento della luce.

Abbiamo letto del senso di pace che sprofonda in noi quando trascorriamo del tempo in una foresta e di come l'esperienza svuota le nostre menti. Siamo ospiti di forme di vita che hanno vissuto su questo pianeta il doppio di noi ed è un'esperienza umiliante essere in comunicazione.

Poiché la luce si muoveva e cambiava rapidamente e poiché c'erano così tante informazioni da assorbire, ci siamo ritrovati a fotografare piuttosto che a disegnare o dipingere, anche se non ho potuto resistere a sedermi e fare un piccolo schizzo ad acquarello, vedi sotto,

E come vedrai dalle foto, c'era una parte inferiore della foresta che, e non potevamo davvero accertarne il motivo, aveva alberi letteralmente ricoperti di muschio verde, o lichene.

Quasi come una soffice pelliccia e in alcuni punti cresce anche delle dimensioni di mini ortaggi.

Quindi eccoci

Un'altra avventura.

Eravamo in ritardo per tornare in studio, quindi è solo ora che i miei colleghi artisti mi stanno inviando le loro opere d'arte e le loro poesie. È bello avere tali avventure nella natura, dove in qualche modo entra nel nostro essere, scorre attraverso di noi e si manifesta nella nostra immaginazione per produrre arte.

Al nostro meglio, siamo creature creative 

Immagini della giornata

Duncan Campbell

moss-green fallen souls
litter the ravine’s soft floor
dead, yet still alive

.........................Duncan Campbell


Michael Eldridge

Michael Eldridge

Claudia Renzi

Claudia Renzi

Un caloroso benvenuto a tutti coloro che desiderano partecipare a un laboratorio d'arte qui in Italia, sono progettati per le persone che sentono un'affinità con la natura e il desiderio di creare oltre se stessi;

I nostri workshop di creatività a Cittadella sui monti Sibillini quest'estate vanno da maggio a settembre. Sono tutti sia in italiano che in inglese

Le Vibrazioni della Natura 1 (in lingua inglese e italiana) dal 2 al 5 giugno (June) 2022, Cittadella.

Le Vibrazioni della Natura 2,   (July 7 to 10) Luglio 7 a 10, 2022 (in Italiano e Inglesi) a Cittadella

Advanced class dal 14 al 19 settembre,  (in lingua italiana e inglese) 2022, Cittadella

The Vibrations of Nature 3, September 21 to 25, 2022 (English Language) at Cittadella

contattare; Claudia, email, whatsapp 351.5042828