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Thursday, August 8, 2024

August heat, thoughts and invitations

The morning finds me at our local beach doing my Ci Kung. It's 07.00 and warming up fast and soon hitting 40C, they say, by midday

One of the reasons I don't hold workshops in August here in Le Marche, is because of the extreme heat throughout the Province, and the added danger in being out in the sun at high altitudes at Cittadella our mountain retreat in the Sibillini National Park

And this summer it's exceptional and going for a cool morning swim is my way of coping and I'm on my way home within an hour where my studio is bearable with AC and all,

Those of you who practice Ci Kung or Tai chi, would know that it is not just a physical exercise but also a way of awakening the entire body of a morning, the heart and brain in particular- It is also a time to practice right breathing and to open all the senses; all these things together clearing the mind of clutter.

It is how we begin our mornings at my workshops and I am daily reminded of the words of the American teacher and painter Robert Henri 120 years ago

'The object isn't to make art

it's to be in that wonderful state

which makes art inevitable'

So we make art, of course we do, but, if I teach anything at all, it is what it is to be an artist, and how to arrive at this state.

You could say, 'I simply light the blue touch paper, and then sit back and watch.

And you're probably thinking 'Sounds pretty easy to me'

And sometimes it is and sometimes it's not

It depends

It depends on how deeply inside a person's mental cupboard the creative child has been locked.

A child which is beseeching to be released.

There, I've  already said to much

Best advice?

Join my next workshop at Cittadella in September 😀

It's Italy

It's when the mountain storms begin and when the streams and waterfalls gush with water again

It's where the landscape is breathtakingly beautiful

Where Silvio, the owner, and his staff are such kind people and treat us as family

Where we go on visits locally everyday, to hot pools, waterfalls, to Sanctuaries

Where we work in our outdoor studio on afternoons

Where we delight in tasting the very best traditional Italy food and wine.

And (most importantly) where we create exceptinal art, in an atmospere of freedom and fun.

You can read lots more about me on my website

Where you'll find my my blogs, paintings and podcasts.

Here is a painting created by Raquel Ferrer and myself , on a one2one a couple of weeks back, as a present to Silvio for his kindness,

And here is a recommendation by Raquel recalling the experience

'Thank you Michael for sharing these days with me, showing me how to create a powerful bubble - choosing what to bring and let in, and what to leave out - And thank you for introducing me to the world of Chi Kung and so much more.
I enjoyed playing in colours and giving myself full permission to be an artist. I have found my fun mindfulness - I can stay focused, and I can completely forget about the external world and noise when I paint - and I love it!'


Next workshop dates September 5 to 11

Cost of workshop E190

Cost of accomodation at Cittadella from B&B to half board E35 to E75  per day (depending on whether share or single option).

Number in group limited to 12

Contact Michael for any questions you may have;, 

Tel. whatsapp +39 3283535358

My very best wishes and I hope very much you can join us in September


Saturday, August 3, 2024

An extraordinary experience

 Last night I was sitting in my garden at midnight watching a thunderstorm's uncertainty of direction in the eastern sky; whether to head our way or not. It was hugging the coastline, and probably drawn to the sea and unloading the rain we so desperately need here. Our cats were rolling around and bouncing onto one another expecting to be rained upon and soaked so that they could be dried afterwards (their favourite funtrip)

All this after a dinner party, illustrated by the lightning, with friends from Australia and Padova.

And this only five days before the night of the shooting stars, stelle cadente, or San Lorenzo and a celebration, a fiesta in town.

Do you believe in serendipity?

Say you do!

Flashes of light in the darkness

Just two months back I found myself trying to photograph fireflies at nightime, first with an iPhone (unsuccesful) and then with my old Nikon (equally so, but got a few pics before falling into a ditch)

And this is where the serendipity kicked in.

I googled how to photograph fireflies and got

A TED talk about fireflies (fascinating)

And a link to a group called Fireflies; (see below) and to a lady named Raquel Ferrer, whom I saw had already signed up to a one2one creativity session with me here down in Le Marche, Italy.

Which we did together just a week ago. at our retreat in was just great. 


Well, you know that feeling you get when there are just five gaps left on a jigsaw, and you swiftly put four in and you see that you're missing just one piece?

And then you rush around in panic searching everywhere for two days, under carpets, under sofas, inside cupboard drawers …. and then you find it in the puzzle box just lying there looking at you.

And you joyously click it into place. It's that feeling.

And then... A couple of days after our one2one at Cittadella, Raquel sent me this testimonial on Linked in about our time together

An Extraordinary Experience.

Letting Go.
Breathing In.
Pasta, pasta and more pasta :)
Antipasti & melon.
New Projects.


Some time off in Italy, reflecting and creating from nature. Building harmony within and thinking about how important structure and freedom are for some of us.

Thank you Michael Eldridge for sharing these days with me, showing me how to create a powerful bubble - choosing what to bring and let in, and what to leave out - And thank you for introducing me to the world of Chi Kung and so much more.

I enjoyed playing in colors and giving myself full permission to be an artist. I have found my fun mindfulness - I can stay focused, and I can completely forget about the external world and noise when I paint - and I love it!

Now, this post is complete.

Those are my words!

G R A C I E M I L L E ! :) :) :)

And this is the painting we did together on the final day of our one2one

So, this is really a blog about serendipity and kindness and crosswords, but also about all the wonderful things that are out there once we unclutter our minds and enter the clear and fabulous river of creativity


For info about workshops in Italy and One2Ones..

Or contact

tel; +39 3283535358

Friday, June 14, 2024

The weather forecast


As a kid, I was fascinated by meteorology.

I would catch a tube to the met office, just off Tottenham Court Road and just hang around peering at weather charts and would never miss the evening forecast at five to six.

And so it continues to this day. Currently I'm following the climatic fortunes of a friend who is on holiday in Iceland and warn him when to wear ear muffs when the Arctic air blasts in from the Pole.

Still awake?

OK, now after a balmy, sunny beach time meeting near Pedaso, followed by dinner at a Chalet restaurant with my Art friends, I couldn't help but notice the signs in the sky and sea of a serious change in the weather. This I mentioned to my friends, but they blanked out (I know the look).

And sure enough, the very place where we were sitting was whacked by a tempest the following day, yesterday. The coastline was blanketed with an ice storm and severe damage and and we, further inland, had torrential rain with part of our road washed away.

So, you may ask, why this obsession?

Answer is, I don't know. Closest I can get by explanation, is that nature is in control and I prefer this to the wreckage wrought by human beings. And did you see that photo in this morning's Guardian of a young girl with her head in her hands sitting on the stump of a three hundred year old oak tree, cut down to make way for a new road? A tragedy. No wonder the planet gets angry with us and blasts us in it's fury?

Anyway, the painting above was painted a few days ago and in its simple way is an image of the above mentioned storm. Most of my work now is about weather, forests, rivers etc, and I often foresee things which happen days, sometimes weeks before they occur. I suppose it's being in tune in some mysterious way.

I'm running a couple of art/Nature workshops art/Natureworkshops in early September in the Sibillini mountains here in Le Marche. It's a time when the storms begin, after the heat of August, and they are amazing to experience then rocking the landscape about. 

Be great if you can come along


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Warmer nights for lady fireflies


The female fireflies are not visible at night because they are dark in colour, and anyway, it has been too cool for them to emerge from wherever they hide during the day. And so, the males with their flashing lights don't bother to fly out either. But today temperatures will rise to 27C and we can expect a super display and  I'll be out there to to film it, I promise.

And you know, whatever Nature offers us, in the forests, by the rushing streams, watching and listening to birds, and fellow creatures; breathing the air swept down from mountain peaks, it is she who lifts us to that state of absorption where our art and creativity become inevitable.

And we become one with nature, because at our most human, this is what we must truly aspire to.

My Art and Nature workshops in the Sibillini National Park in Italy recommence in September, and you can find out more and how to book a place, on my website below or email me at

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The fireflies are returning!


I was working late in my studio yesterday evening and it was dark when I got home and walked to open the front door. At this moment there was a bright flash in front of me and I took it to be from a car driving on a hill above the house. But the flashing light whizzed over my head and I knew it was a first arrival welcoming me to a month of wonder. Yes, the fireflies have arrived, and day by day now they will multiply in number and we will all be in the thrall of their magic, taken away and invited to dance with them and be enriched by this powerful connection with nature.They are like little silent messengers, becoming us, beseeching us, to return to the garden of Life

And all those precious memories come flooding back of the years I have lived in Italy; always in the countryside, in the clean air of the Adriatic where I live now, or in the mountains of the Sibillini Park, where I spent many years.

Memories of walking with friends and with my animals through woods and forests, seeing the reflection of their lights in the dark eyes of my dog Bessie as she is jumped amongst them barking with happiness.

Tonight when I am home I will venture out to the bottom of the garden where they gather and dance about, and I will attempt to photograph or video their performance an add it to this blog

If you are interested in joining one of Michael's Art and Nature weekends in Italy, you can contact him at

More info on his site

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Endurance, fortitude and a magic lake in Italy


                                   The first to arrive, my super dog Bessie

Conversing with a friend about endurance, brought to mind taking a team of young people on a hike up to Pilate's Lake, which is under Monte Vettore where I run my workshops. The climb begins at a village called Foce where there are just a few houses and a bar, It's at about 1600m in altitude and the climb to Vettore and the lake takes about four hours through four plateaux; so you have to climb each one in turn; vertically then horizontally.

So, we had walked the first part from the bar at Foce, 3k to the bottom of the first vertical climb and the young folk immediately lost heart at the sight of it and were murmuring that they wanted to return to the bar.

And it was just at this moment that we heard singing voices above us and the sound of tinkling bells (Elves you imagine ?).

But no. Instead a line of a dozen people following a leader down the steep slope and another guide at the rear, And they were all roped together at the waist and they were all happily singing as we watched them grapple their way down towards us.

And as they came near, we saw with astonishment that all except the two guides were blind.

And when they reached our group below we of course welcomed them and praised them for there fortitude and wished them good fortune in the way Italians do.

Needless to say, my group were moved by what they had witnessed. I guess you could say that they were awakened in some form, and from then on, in over four hours climb to the lake, not one complaint was heard and they expressed, I sensed, simply gratitude and a certain calmness after such a powerful and serendipitous experience

I only met a few of them again after that day but I know that it was a story which in its way, structured their lives, and which would stay in their memories throughout life's twists and turns.



If you are interested in joining one of Michael's Art Adventures in The Sibillini National Park this summer, please click here for more info

Friday, April 12, 2024

Coincidences, serendipiti and the total eclipse of the sun

Cittadella, the perfect place to dream and contemplate

 Coincidences, serendipity and the total eclipse of the sun indeed!

Not much in common there, you might say, but read on, dear friends, read on...

This week my friend Mark who lives in Texas, gave me a running commentery on the eclipse and when I asked him 'How are the animals reacting?' He replied 'I dunno, but the purple martins have.stopped chirping'. I'll question him on this enigmatic response when he's here in Italy next month and when I've promised him a trip to Cittadella, la bella Cittadella. But, really! Just four and a half minutes of wonder for purple martins. Fear and trepidation more like

My dream whilst at school was to be a meteorologist, but I wasn't eligible for get a University place because I flunked maths (apparently my exam answers were too imaginative).

But I guess, looking back at my early life, I think I should have been an astrologist, because the moon and the stars have alway been a lifelong fascination for me, Typical question asked..... 'How come it spins in a way that it always keeps its smiling face pointing towards Earth? Such things stirred my imagination; still do.

I check out observatories in my travels. When I'm in London and in particular, Greenwich Obseratory, a visit  there is a must. In fact one such visit was during an eclipse a few years back. After the lecture, I asked the speaker 'How is it that the moon exactly covers the sun during an eclipse?'

Anwer;' It's a coincidence' A coincidence?! What nonsense1'

It's been doing that before we came out of the trees, (I mumbled under my breath)

So much for coincidence! My imagination prefers to think it is all by design.

So if a solar eclipse is not a stellar about this........... a week which has seen these three things occur simultaneously

The eclipse; a magical but tiny fullstop in our lives.

My blog; about the magnetic Sibillini mountains, They pull in meteorites from space. and walking around you can find them scattered about if you look hard enough; very hard.

A Guardian article; About Le Marche, the hidden secret of Italy

Now, on to Serendipity (defined as the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way). This is where we come into the picture; human beings as philosophers and creatives

I gave an on line lecture at the Siena Art Institute a couple of years back and had listed the people who had come into my life as if by chance. The list was long. And they were all serendipitous occurences.

Too many to relate, but here's a good example,

My wedding day!

We were asked by my to be wife's friend, Renata if she might recite a poem at the ceremony in Castelfranco. She asked me to find it for her in Italian, it was Ithaka by Cavafy.

I said I would.......... but I forgot, much to the fury of wife, soon to be and Renata. So on the evening before the special day, I rushed into town  to look for a book of his poems. This idea was greeted by scorn and laughter and I was assured that I didn't have dog's chance in hell of finding one. In Castelfranco? You must be kidding! But I found a little bookshop, the only one in town, and I asked the owner if he by chance had the book in store, or at least the poem Ithaka, by Cavafy. and, giving me that Italian outstretched arms shrug, he told me he'd never heard of it, or him. And there I stood, aghast with an accompanying fear laden numbness. Then, guess what? From the end of a long corridor came a voice. Ithaka? I'm reading it at this very moment!! 

A customer, perhaps an angel., shouted down the hall.

Wow! and the earth began to spin again and the next morning the poem was read beautifully by Renata, and the day was saved. Possibly marriage too.

So, I trust in, believe in and champion serendipity. And angels.

As most artists do.

Art is not, and never can be a learned rational activity, and we believe in Muses, Angels and we love this planet. We love nature, trees and want to protect all that is wonderful in this world, its trees, forest. oceans and animals.

And our Art is our gift back to life. Our way of saying thank you.


My next art and creativity workshop in English isThursday, May 30 (arrive) to Wednesday, June 5 (leave) at Cittadella

'The vibrations of Nature'

Contact Michael; if you'd like to know more.
