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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Word and Image

Word and image; two dates, March 7 to 10, Sept 19 to 22, 2013

Secrets unlocked forever, and ever.
Michael joins Colin Pink (above) for another one of their famous Word and Image retreats which they have trawled around Europe for the past four years.
What can I say about these?
 I would talk about  the magic of words; that you can work with them as easily as you can with shapes and colours.
That it is essentially about playing with words, about exploring the joy of liberating words from their everyday use and also about storytelling and what expressing ourselves in language opens up within our minds. Where words and then images begin to take on lives of their own, part of and apart from ourselves.
You will amaze yourselves with the way you learn to open up an avalanche of creativity; so much magical stuff hidden inside.
.......more on starstone site

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